Hey Hello and Hi!

Hello there from here in the potteries as I sit bashing ideas out on my keyboard with a cuppa in hand and a new (rather pretty) book beside me ready to be delved into. As my first blog post EVER I shall explain a bit about myself and hopefully what this is all about. After a lifelong love of books I have finally decided to put pen to paper (well… words to computer screen…) and have a good long rant about some of the millions of books I have read both for my courses, namely my degree in English and American Literature, and also for private enjoyment. Some books I have loved, and some I have had to truly drag myself through page by page whilst desperately attempting to grasp at what far-out concept the author is trying to explore. Here I will post an open and frank discussion of the book I am currently reading and hopefully inspire more people to pick up the more unusual and less well known books out there.

That’s all for now folks! I shall be back soon with the lovely first of my reviews (Hint: this one happens to be by a super-famous male author with a love of underdog Londoners who somehow get a break in life…)

TTFN! Laura Anne xx


P.S *A note on the picture used*

So recently I went on my Jollies to Dublin and saw the BEAUTIFUL library at Trinity College there! Really want a place like this as my own one day :’)

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